Thursday, August 26, 2010

Leaves are supposed to fall....

NOT my camera! This isn't my actual picture for today, but it was so traumatizing that I had to post about it. I was flustered today and in my haste grabbing for the phone that I was frustrated with, I knocked my camera off the picnic table and right onto the pavilion CEMENT floor...

There was a collective GASP of everyone in the pavilion and resounding silence as my camera hit the cement and BOUNCED. I froze, I think I thought if I just froze up, maybe it would all be a dream. Hope quickly picked it up for me and it must be a miracle b/c not only is the camera ok (as far as I can tell), the lens didn't crack either. I must have SOME kind of luck b/c when you hear a camera bounce on concrete, you don't expect it to work afterward., on to the pics that I'm terribly grateful to be able to take!

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